Tracie 4th February 2014

You were my first born my baby son, I watched you grow watched you smile speak your first words and take your first steps. At school your friends were always there, you were so popular loving funny and kind. I was always so proud of you son. You grew into a fine young man with a love of football and cars. You found love and had two beautiful babies making me a Nan, but you were still my loving son. My tiny baby, un- known to the world, grow into a wonderful young man and touched so many lives, family, and friends, young and old. I held you as you took your first breaths and never expected to be there for your last, but you have not left, you are a part of everyone you have met so many are privileged that you have been in their lives. I have always loved you Wayne and will until I die. My life will never be the same, sleep tight son. Your broken hearted mom x